Easy WP Localhost Review - Does It Really Work?
Easy WP Localhost is software that installs on a PC or MAC that allows users to run WordPress exam sites locally without whatever technical skills.

This PC together with MAC software Installs a perfectly configured localhost server & a bespoke intranet which allows you lot to access the production via whatever browser, practise (UNLIMITED) WordPress Sites inwards 1 Click (PC/MAC), Backup & Restore Sites inwards 1 Click (takes seconds).

The upgrade version offered to customers afterwards buy is an amazing backup/cloning plugin that allows you lot to deploy your WordPress projects to alive servers & clone downward alive sites inwards 1 click. This allows you lot to edit sites off business without losing a cent, you lot tin also exam whatever novel plugins/themes/updates you lot may desire to install without breaking your alive site.

Building WordPress sites on alive servers is dead deadening + all it takes is 1 mistake‌ simply 1 incorrect plugin together with your site is broken. Of class you lot tin backup every bit you lot go, but, total site backups on alive sites stimulate got ages together with that slows you lot downward fifty-fifty more.

Worse however when edifice pages you lot stimulate got to facial expression for each update to charge thus you lot halt upward waiting a lot during busy network times that way less profit. With Easy WP Localhost you lot tin solve this instantly. Now you lot tin create, backup, together with restore WordPress sites inwards seconds.

If you’re serious well-nigh edifice WordPress sites, this volition move the most valuable tool inwards your site edifice toolbox together with the easiest ane too. It’s the publish 1 tool that every WordPress developer uses daily together with without a query the most useful tool for site evolution together with testing.

Easy WP Localhost Features:
  • You tin exam themes together with plugins offline
  • You tin construct sites offline
  • It’s faster – there’s no network lag
  • If you lot brand a error – simply reset
  • You tin fix/prevent problems on alive sites
  • Zero running costs – no hosting/server fees
  • Very piece of cake install on both PC & MAC
  • Install whatever electrical flow or previous WP version
  • Install unlimited WP exam sites (top version)
  • Delete, backup a restore sites
  • Futureproof – install whatever time to come WP releases
  • New SAAS similar super piece of cake user interface

Traditionally installation of localhost software is complex together with requires many steps. With Easy WP Localhost simply double click the installer EXE(PC) or drag over the DMG file (MAC) together with follow the on concealment instructions. Once the procedure is consummate the localhost is fully configured for speed & ready to use. They stimulate got fifty-fifty loaded Ioncube loaders which allow you lot to role encrypted themes together with plugins.

Setting upward WP sites takes simply ane click using the built inwards WP installer.
Select whatever version of WP, teach into a advert together with your done.
Works Just Like a Real Host. Just Much Faster

Sites Work Exactly Like on a Real Server
Easy WP Localhost has been configured to run at maximum speed for whatever hardware configuration.
They stimulate got done all the necessary speed tweaks inwards PHP together with Apache to brand WordPress run fast.
Installing themes together with plugins is precisely the same. Editing your contents is precisely the same.
Updating themes, plugins together with WP is precisely the same.
The exclusively divergence is… it’s faster, together with you’re non broadcasting your site to the world.
Works With Current / Future / Past WP Versions

Futureproof together with Retro Compatible
We all know WordPress changes versions every infinitesimal thus it was of import to us to allow users to add together their ain WordPress versions to the site installer.
This is every bit piece of cake every bit downloading the version your request from WordPress & pasting it into the specified folder.
This allows users of Easy WP Localhost to easily update their ain software & install whatever version electrical flow of future.
The installed WP Test Sites volition of class machine update simply similar on a existent server.

Exclusive: Rapid 1 Click Site Backup together with Restore
1000% Faster Than Any Host. Never Lose or Break a Project Again
One characteristic that was missing from all localhost solutions was an piece of cake way to backup & restore sites – thus we’ve built it!
Now if you lot interruption a projection you lot tin restore it inwards simply ane click .
So no to a greater extent than broken sites, no to a greater extent than wasting fourth dimension time fixing stuff.
Best of all our site backups literally stimulate got seconds – dissimilar a alive server where each backup tin stimulate got hours, together with restores tin stimulate got days.

Test All Your Plugins together with  Themes At Your Leisure.
Avoid Site Outages Caused By Faulty Themes, Plugins together with Updates
With a good configured localhost you lot tin exam themes, plugins together with updates earlier you lot apply these to a alive site.
Let’s human face upward it, the most risky matter you lot tin practise to a working website is to alter something…
With a localhost you lot tin replicate your site configuration or fifty-fifty clone a alive site to the localhost & exam whatever changes earlier you lot apply them live…
No risk, No downtime, No worries.
No Internet Connection? – No Problem.

Works With or Without an Internet Connection. You Can Work Anywhere!
Localhost software volition happily run amongst an network connexion acquaint but doesn’t request it.
This allows you lot to prepare projects where at that topographic point is non network access.
So localhost are a perfect for developing projects on the move.
This is ideal for users amongst deadening or miserable network connections – users tin construct their sites off business together with then upload their sites when they stimulate got expert network access

Sumber Generation Engelmundus


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